Accounting article archives

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459 archived articles
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Internal Control over Financial Reporting Procedures

In July the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the ...

Housing-Market Bust Has Retailers in Retreat

For retailers, the housing boom giveth, and the housing bust taketh away.While h...

Spas No Longer Are a Luxury for Resorts

For travelers, a spa treatment — the hot stone massage, the seaweed body wrap ...

The Dreaded CPA Exam

If you want to advance in the accounting industry and have the opportunity to wo...

Advancing in Your Accounting Career

When you graduate from university with a degree in accounting, the first thing y...

Become a Certified Information Systems Auditor

With all of the financial data being recorded in computer databases and the use ...

Become a Certified Payroll Clerk

Although you don't need post-secondary education to work in payroll in a busines...

Become a Financial Auditor in the Gaming Commission

States that have casinos and licensed gambling operations require the services o...

Become a Personal Financial Advisor

A personal financial advisor assesses the financial needs of clients and advises...

Become a Registered Investment Accountant

A registered investment accountant is a person who manages the investments of we...

Become a Trust Accountant in the Travel Industry

All industries have need of an accountant and the same is true of the travel ind...

Become an Internal Auditor With CSA Certification

CSA certification for an internal auditor means that you have certification in c...

Career Options in the Accounting Industry

When you choose the accounting industry as the area where you want to work when ...

Certifications That Will Advance Your Career in Accounting

It is essential that you have a Bachelor's degree in accounting, business or a r...

Consider a Career in Accounting

When you consider a career in accounting, you need to pursue a university degree...

Consider Working as an Accounts Receivable Specialist

The job of accounts receivable specialist is an entry-level job in the accountin...

Do You Have What it takes to be a Managerial Accountant?

The main job of a managerial accountant is to assess a company's financial situa...

Education and Training Needed For Jobs in the Accounting Industry

When you want to work in the accounting industry, the first thing you need to kn...

Enjoy a Career as an Accounts Payable Specialist

If you have a diploma from a two –year course in accounting and at least two y...

Enjoy a Career as an Actuary in the Accounting Industry

One of the many careers you can enjoy in the accounting industry is that of an a...

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